

For Immediate Release
November 9, 2016, 8:00 a.m.

CONTACT: Arik Bjorn
803.765.9851 / info@bjorn2run.com


I retired last evening, following months of grueling campaigning, without regret.  I recant no word, retract no action—in fact, I reiterate and defend all efforts.

I am exceedingly proud of the tireless action of our campaign staff and volunteers.  And I am grateful, most of all, for the Voters, who honored our campaign with the most precious part of their democratic being:  their votes.

The Voters of South Carolina’s Second Congressional District have chosen their Representative, according to their right—and I congratulate Congressman Joe Wilson on his victory.  I applaud him, as well as Mr. McCain, for making this an issue-centered campaign.  Congressman Wilson is a family man, who understands and respects that political battles are opponent-to-opponent contests.

Congressman Wilson received the majority of votes.  But South Carolina’s Second Congressional District remains less than victorious.  More than 100,000 Voters made a choice for “a better way” at the ballot box—and for good reason:

Our District is economically stifled by an unemployment rate far higher than the national and state average.  Women, children and vulnerable populations remain exposed, unsafe, unprotected—and tens of thousands of our District neighbors live without healthcare.  Our District faces an infrastructure crisis:  within our District borders are 7 of the 10 most dangerous bridges in our state, and prospective businesses find our infrastructure insufficient for their needs.

As a citizen, I will continue to serve my community faithfully and be a voice for justice and peace, as well as demand and labor for increased opportunities for the betterment of all.  And I will weigh and consider carefully future opportunities to serve our District, state and nation politically.

As I gave all possible effort, I offer no regrets.  And I claim a considerable victory:  where there was no voice, a voice has emerged.

To those who hold steadfast for a better way, I offer myself as your champion.



For Immediate Release
November 4, 2016, 9:30 a.m.

CONTACT: Arik Bjorn
803.765.9851 / info@bjorn2run.com


COLUMBIA, S.C., – Time is short, let us not mince words.

In 2016, unlike any time in our nation’s history, Civilization hangs in the balance.

In South Carolina, the Barbarians aren’t at the gate, they own the gate.  But I am not going to sit around in a seersucker suit and sip sweet tea while our District Walls—our literal infrastructure of roads, bridges and dams—crumble due to failed Republican leadership.

I present myself to you as a candidate with seasoned experience in economic development and government management.  I formerly managed the South Carolina SmartState Program, a state program championed by Republicans & Democrats, and touted by the former Director of Technology at Microsoft as the best program of its kind in the nation, “the envy of all other states.”

Our state lost many manufacturing jobs during Joe Wilson’s General Assembly tenure, prior to his election to the U.S. House.  But the program I managed recruited scientists and engineers from around the country and world to lead joint innovation centers at the University of South Carolina, Clemson University and the Medical University of South Carolina.  The result:  the creation of more than 10,000 jobs and a wellspring of corporate investment and relocation into our state.

I also proudly don my public librarian badge.  I am proud of my profession.  Also, I am one of few individuals in the United States who still works full-time while running for U.S. Congress.

Librarians have been the Gatekeepers of Civilization since ancient times.  Librarians are no less important in the 21st century; President Eisenhower once said:  “The libraries of America are, and must ever remain, the home of the free inquiring mind.”

Would that the Halls of Congress be an equal house of knowledge and wisdom!  While there is a Librarian of Congress, there presently are no librarians in Congress.  With your votes, we can—we should—change that.

Under the wanton leadership of Congressman Wilson, our state and Congressional District Community flounders.

South Carolina is the fifth-most dangerous state for a woman to reside.  Yet Joe Wilson lied during our recent debate on ETV’s “Palmetto Scene” about his vote on the Violence Against Women Act, then two days later had the audacity to mislead a crowd of gathered Domestic Abuse Survivors about his support.

Our District is home to 7 of the 10 most dangerous bridges in South Carolina, as well as one-third of the dams that breached during the Historic Flood.  Yet for a decade Joe Wilson has voted against every major transportation infrastructure bill as well as the Water Resources Development Act, which provided dam funding for South Carolina.

Our Community of Voters should be asking:  Who is Joe Wilson?

The Free Times describes Joe Wilson as “in line with the pro-business wing of his party.”  But it has just come to our attention that Congressman Wilson received tens of thousands of dollars in Labor Union contributions—this, despite his statement that he is “proud to stand up against the powerful unions and their leaders.”

So proud to stand up to them that he takes tens of thousands of their dollars?

Throughout this debate, you will hear Congressman Wilson repeat the word “jobs.  Jobs, Jobs, Jobs.  In fact, I invite you to count along.

Yet chanting “Jobs” doesn’t create jobs.

Maybe this is why the SC District 2 unemployment rate of 8.5% far exceeds the national rate of 5%–and even our statewide rate of 5.6%.

What creates jobs?  Laying the groundwork for the knowledge economy creates jobs.  Investing in infrastructure creates jobs.  Providing an excellent education and access to information tools for the workforce of tomorrow, as well as the workforce of today, creates jobs.  These issues are core to our campaign platform.

To the Voters of Aiken County, Barnwell County, Lexington County, Orangeburg County, and Richland County, I am humbled to be your candidate for South Carolina’s 2nd Congressional District.

“There’s a Better Way!”



For Immediate Release
October 28, 2016, 8:00 a.m.

CONTACT: Arik Bjorn
803.765.9851 / info@bjorn2run.com


COLUMBIA, S.C., – The South Carolina politician who shouted “You Lie!” at President Obama during a 2009 joint session of Congress has been caught misrepresenting his vote on the 2013 Violence Against Women Act.

On a televised interview program broadcast Thursday night on South Carolina Educational Television (SCETV), Rep. Joe Wilson (R – SC) claimed that he voted for the Act.  The Congressional Record shows that Wilson voted against the bill, which protects and helps victims of violence.

“Tonight on SCETV’s Palmetto Scene, Congressman Wilson lied to voters about his vote on the Violence Against Women Act,” said Arik Bjorn, Wilson’s Democratic Party/Green Party opponent for the South Carolina 2nd Congressional District seat.  Bjorn sat only feet away from Wilson during the show, and countered, “We’ll let the fact checkers figure that one out.”

Throughout the campaign, Bjorn has generally declined to adopt the “You Lie!” moniker when referring to Congressman Wilson.  Wilson was officially rebuked by the Republican-controlled Congress for his 2009 outburst and apologized.

Bjorn has repeatedly cited Wilson’s voting record as a demonstration of how out-of-touch, or “status quo,” Wilson has become after seven terms in Congress.

South Carolina is ranked the fifth most dangerous state in the nation for women because of violence against women.  Wilson steadfastly endorses Republican Party Presidential Nominee, Donald Trump, despite Trump’s recorded remarks about committing sexual assault against women.


Palmetto Scene
South Carolina ETV (SCETV)
Air Date: October 27, 2016
(excerpt at approximately 23m:30s)

The Lie:

Charles Bierbauer:  I want to come to Hillary Clinton.  You were a Sanders man, as I recall.  Are you fully in support of Hillary Clinton?

Arik Bjorn:  Absolutely.  The day the Convention ended, I posted on my Facebook [page] my public endorsement of Hillary Clinton.  “I’m with Her.”  I’m certainly not with the man who brags about committing Sexual Violence against Women.  And I’m sorry, Congressman, but you voted against the Violence against Women Act, too.  I mean, my goodness, this is—

Joe Wilson:  Actually, I did vote for it, and I voted for—

Arik Bjorn:  Well, we’ll let the fact-checkers figure that one out.


Note: Congressman Joe Wilson (R – SC District 2) voted against the 2013 authorization of the Violence Against Woman Act.  Wilson joined the rest of the Republican Delegation from South Carolina in voting no to protecting and helping victims of violence.  Click here for the Final Vote Results.



For Immediate Release
October 23, 2016, 8:00 a.m.

CONTACT: Arik Bjorn
803.765.9851 / info@bjorn2run.com


Voting Public Service Announcement:

A number of Voters have received their Absentee Ballots and asked our campaign how to vote for a “fusion” candidate.  “ARIK BJORN” appears on the ballot two times, for the Democratic Party and the Green Party.

Votes for “ARIK BJORN” for both Parties are ADDED TOGETHER.  There is no split vote.  Again, the votes are added cumulatively, so a Voter may place his or her vote for “ARIK BJORN” for either Party without concern.



For Immediate Release
October 17, 2016, 8:00 a.m.

CONTACT: Arik Bjorn
803.765.9851 / info@bjorn2run.com



Bjorn for Congress is exceptionally honored to be a recipient of an endorsement from the National Education Association Fund for Children and Public Education.

As the NEA Fund for Children and Public Education makes clear, Arik Bjorn is the only South Carolina 2nd Congressional District candidate who stands boldly for Education, and who especially will work to foster great public schools for every child.

The NEA Fund for Children and Public Education supports Mr. Bjorn’s commitment to being a proactive legislative voice for the educators, education support professionals, school administrators, retired educators, training educators—and of course students—throughout our District Community and state.

Bjorn for Congress is committed to decreasing student-teacher classroom ratios, to supporting increased Pre-K enrollment, to empowering educators in the classroom, to eliminating the school-to-prison pipeline, and to championing programs and initiatives like ConnectED and ConnectHome that improve knowledge access for students of all ages.

Prosperity in the knowledge economy requires a strong, empowered public education system that provides every possible opportunity and resource for students.

As U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote in the Brown v. Board of Education opinion:  “[I]t is doubtful that any child may reasonably be expected to succeed in life if he is denied the opportunity of an education.”

This was true in 1954.  And it remains true more than six decades later in 2016.  Yet tens of thousands of children and students in South Carolina remain denied the best possible public education experience government can provide.

Arik Bjorn understands the needs of educators and students, and has spent his career advancing public education and public access to knowledge, currently as a public librarian and formerly as the manager of a $2 billion South Carolina higher education economic development program.  The NEA Fund for Children and Public Education endorsement makes clear that, as SC District 2’s Representative in Congress, Mr. Bjorn will continue to demonstrate his “commitment to children and public education.”

Mr. Bjorn’s other endorsements to-date include the South Carolina AFL-CIO, SC Equality and the Alliance for Retired Americans.



For Immediate Release
October 8, 2016, 10:00 a.m.

CONTACT: Arik Bjorn
803.765.9851 / info@bjorn2run.com


I PROFUSELY CONDEMN the sexually-violent and predatory language of Donald J. Trump.

Why won’t you, Congressman Wilson?

As the devoted father of an 8-year-old girl, I am incensed that a major political party—the Republican Party, the supposed “Party of Abraham Lincoln”—would even dream of nominating a man who openly brags about sexually assaulting women and “grabbing” their {CENSORED}.

Here are some of Trump’s recently released barbaric remarks:

I moved on her like a b@@@h.

She’s now got the phony t@ts.

And when you’re a star, you can do anything. … Grab them by the p@@sy. You can do anything.

Yet Congressman Wilson of South Carolina’s 2nd Congressional District remains silent on the horrific, sexually-violent track record of our would-be Sexual Predator-in-Chief.

I recently spoke two nights in a row at a SC District 2 music festival devoted to increasing awareness about rape culture in South Carolina.

At this event, I presented some horrific statistics from the FBI Criminal Justice Information Services “2014 Report on Crime in the United States”:  more than 3,000 rapes occur in South Carolina every year—and that number, of course, is just the reported rapes.

Throughout our campaign, we’ve been told that broaching certain subjects will surely cost us votes. Truly, rape and sexual assault aren’t easy topics to discuss on the campaign trail. And we continue to applaud the organizers of Hoechella for providing our SC District 2 Community with a forum to tackle the subject directly.

Now, Republican Party Presidential Candidate Donald Trump has created a mandate moment for us to repeat our absolute opposition to sexually-violent and predatory language against women.



As “Bonded” women’s magazine recently stated:

This is a man who does not shy away from discussing the tough issues facing women in South Carolina … Our candid conversation ran the gamut from his life as single father and care-taker for his chronically-ill mother to the under-representation of women in politics in South Carolina, to domestic violence, and abortion.

The Equality Act. The Justice for All Act. The Paycheck Fairness Act. The Employment Non-Discrimination Act.

These are just a few of the ways that your SC District 2 Congressperson can take a stand for Women’s Rights and Human Rights.

But Congressman Joe Wilson doesn’t stand with Women. He stands with a Presidential Candidate who brags about his ability to openly engage in sexual assault.

My third-grade daughter cannot afford to live under a Trump-Wilson regime for one moment of her life. Neither can you. And neither can any woman you know.

“There’s a Better Way!”



For Immediate Release
October 4, 2016, 5:00 p.m.

CONTACT: Arik Bjorn
803.765.9851 / info@bjorn2run.com


Please visit THIS LINK to read “Hurricane Matthew Latest information” from the South Carolina Emergency Management Division.

Please visit THIS LINK to read an article from WISTV.COM for Disaster Plan tips: “BEFORE: What You Need to do Before the Storm.”



For Immediate Release
September 7, 2016, 10:00 p.m.

CONTACT: Arik Bjorn
803.765.9851 / info@bjorn2run.com



At 7:04 a.m. on Saturday, September 10, South Carolina’s “Blue Brothers” will hold a sunrise joint press conference in Georgetown, South Carolina, at the west end of the old Church Street Bridge in the middle of the Great Pee Dee River. (See: Google Maps Location.)

The self-declared South Carolina “Blue Brothers” include four Democratic Party/Green Party federal fusion challenger candidates, all endorsed by the South Carolina AFL-CIO, who are confident in their opposition to supposedly safe Republican Party incumbents. The Blue Brothers are Arik Bjorn, Dimitri Cherny, Thomas Dixon, and Mal Hyman—all new to politics, all motivated by the social upheavals so evident this year, all determined to make a positive difference in Washington.

Collectively, the Blue Brothers are fighting for campaign finance reform, universal single-payer healthcare, improved education including access to pre-K and debt-free college, strengthened Social Security, improved veteran support, Living Wage, rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, sensible gun regulation, affordable housing, LGBTQ equality, Equal Pay, the elimination of institutional racism and the end of the school-to-prison pipeline, women’s reproductive liberty—plus they promise to lead the charge to confront global climate change.

Individually, the Blue Brothers are focused on slightly different areas, taking different paths toward the same ends.

Thomas Dixon is running for the U.S. Senate to replace Tim Scott:
“Americans across the nation have made it known that common sense gun legislation, quality public education, affordable healthcare and a living minimum wage among other things are important to them. But South Carolina’s Republican Senator Tim Scott has consistently voted against these issues as if he is not answerable to those who he was sworn to serve. The people of South Carolina deserve better. They deserve to be represented by someone who will be their voice and who has a proven track record of fighting for the rights of all Americans without regard for race, creed or gender orientation. This is why I have decided to run for Scott’s office, so the people of South Carolina will have a senator in Washington who will do his job. And that job is to be the voice of the people.”

Dimitri Cherny is running for the 1st Congressional District seat to replace Mark Sanford:
“The U.S. federal government should be the one institution tasked with guarding the future, looking hundreds of years ahead and ensuring decisions made today protect this Big Blue Marble for our kids and grandkids. Instead, our government has fallen victim to the same short-term thinking that maximizes profits for this generation by stealing from future generations. I’m going to Washington to change that.”

Arik Bjorn is running for the 2nd Congressional District seat to replace Joe Wilson:
“Investing in a 21st-century infrastructure backbone is critical. South Carolina has more than 1,000 structurally-deficient bridges, but ‘Status Quo’ Joe would rather spend billions on a Wall than one dime on our state’s transportation crisis. I support Living Wage, Healthcare as a Human Right, the elimination of Right-to-Work, and the expansion of employment protections for working families. I will help create a new South Carolina, where women live free from violence; where their work is valued; and where they are able to make the best-informed decisions about their health. Government must do its job efficiently and effectively so that our citizens never have to think twice about the systems that support their lives and livelihoods. Going on two decades, ‘Status Quo’ Joe has utterly failed to do his job. ‘There’s a Better Way!’ Let’s create it together.”

Mal Hyman is running for the 7th Congressional District seat to replace Tom Rice, on a platform of “Common Sense for the Common Good”:
“This Republican-controlled do-nothing Congress is not creating enough good jobs, they have not enacted a Living Wage, made Healthcare a Human Right, protected seniors, or created enough opportunities for all of our children—and they do not recognize that our civilization is a force of nature that threatens our security. Enough is enough!”


For Immediate Release
September 1, 2016, 7:00 a.m.

CONTACT: Arik Bjorn
803.765.9851 / info@bjorn2run.com


In our determination, South Carolina ETV has erred in its miscalculation of the “competitive” nature of this year’s federal races in South Carolina, and in doing so, we fear, has gravely provided a disservice to the many reasonable, open-minded viewers/voters who had come to depend on public television to provide forums of dialogue between major party candidates.

Further, we imagine it comes as a shock to many viewers/voters that SC ETV makes its decision to provide federal candidate debate coverage based on competitiveness.

Is not SC ETV’s mission “to enrich lives by…informing and connecting citizens”?

There are more than 1,000 structurally deficient bridges in South Carolina. South Carolina leads the nation in deadly violence against women. These, and many other crises and challenges, face our state, and the citizens of South Carolina will soon head to the polls to elect leaders to solve these problems.

While Congressman Wilson and our campaign disagree on many of the solutions for the critical issues that face our SC 2nd Congressional District Community, our campaign expects that a point of complete agreement is that all the voters of SC District 2—in Aiken County, Barnwell CountyLexington County, Orangeburg County, and Richland County—would benefit from a public-televised forum in which to hear their respective Democratic Party and Republican Party candidates.

South Carolina ETV has fumbled the ball, in the opinion of our campaign, when it had an opportunity to race across the field to score a sure-bet touchdown for democracy.


We urge voters to contact SC ETV if they believe SC TV is not serving our needs in this matter:

Twitter: @SCETV
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SouthCarolinaETV
Email: www.scetv.org/contact
Phone: 803.737.3548



For Immediate Release
August 21, 2016, 7:00 a.m.

CONTACT: Arik Bjorn
803.765.9851 / info@bjorn2run.com


Without hesitation and with utmost certainty, Bjorn for Congress denounces the candidacy of Donald Trump, and any and all elected officials and candidates who align themselves with Donald Trump’s barbaric, pitchfork political message.

This denouncement includes “Status Quo” Joe Wilson, the falsely pro-veteran Republican Congressman of South Carolina’s 2nd Congressional District, who has stood by idly, as he always has these past 15 years, while Candidate Trump despicably insults the Khan Family, whose son, Captain Humayun Khan, was killed by a suicide bomber in 2004 while serving the U.S. Army in Iraq.


Progress South Executive Director Michael Wukela recently called on South Carolina’s Congressional candidates “to denounce Donald Trump’s recent public comments attacking Khizr and Ghazala Khan.”

The Bjorn for Congress campaign is eager to oblige.  In fact, Arik Bjorn is anything but a bandwagon Trump denouncer.  Mr. Bjorn has been an anti-Trump clarion since the moment Donald Trump tossed his circus master of ceremonies hat into the ring:

1.  In September 2015, Mr. Bjorn published an article with a national publication, in which he stated:

“Donald Trump is wholly despicable. Period. He is a ‘Gordon Gekko,’ xenophobic barbarian who is hell-bent on destroying Civilization.”

2.  In December 2015, Mr. Bjorn published an “Open Letter to the World Regarding Donald Trump.” In his open letter, Mr. Bjorn stated:

“On behalf of all 322 million U.S. citizens, I apologize.  Of course, a certain Republican presidential hopeful and his pitchfork minions would like to reduce that number to a comfortable 222 million White Americans.  But who’s counting?”

“This past Monday, on a retired aircraft carrier in ‪South Carolina, Candidate ‪‎Trump delivered a goose-stepping speech that even his Republican presidential playmates finally had to admit went too far: ‘Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on. We have no choice. We have no choice. We have no choice.’

“There, finally, was the line between right-wing debate entertainment and prospective dictatorship. And Candidate Trump…drew it with a big stick in the sand.”

3.  In April 2016, Mr. Bjorn published “The Nightmare of a Trump-Cruz-Wilson Regime.” He wrote:

“The work of centuries of progressivism can be flushed away in the blink of an electoral eye. If you think I’m exaggerating, visit a state where the Tea Party has overtaken the governor’s mansion and both legislative houses.  This nightmare is that close to happening nationwide.”

4.  In May 2016, Mr. Bjorn published an article, “Fight Trump and Joe ‘You Lie!’ Wilson While you Still Can”:

“Generally, I believe that comparing politicians to All Things Third Reich diminishes the horrors of Hitler and the Nazis. Some people call this Godwin’s Law. I like to refer to it as Godwin’s Line. To my mind, the political rise of ‪‎Donald Trump is a clear and present reason not only to cross the ‪‎Godwin Line, but to cross it boldly.

“For the country you love, the society in which you live, the everyday existence that you know, will never be the same if Donald Trump becomes President of the ‪‎United States. Let there be no more jokes about Donald Trump. … He is a fast-track fascist to the ‪White House. And your vote—your volunteer hours—your contributions—are the only thing standing in his way.”


To repeat:

Without hesitation and with utmost certainty, Bjorn for Congress denounces the candidacy of Donald Trump, and any and all elected officials and candidates who align themselves with Donald Trump’s barbaric, pitchfork political message.

This denouncement includes “Status Quo” Joe Wilson, the falsely pro-veteran Republican Congressman of South Carolina’s 2nd Congressional District, who has stood by idly, as he always has these past 15 years, while Candidate Trump despicably insults the Khan Family, whose son, Captain Humayun Khan, was killed by a suicide bomber in 2004 while serving the U.S. Army in Iraq.



For Immediate Release
July 12, 2016, 7:00 p.m.

CONTACT: Arik Bjorn
803.765.9851 / info@bjorn2run.com


COLUMBIA, S.C., – Senator Bernie Sanders has made it clear today that he stands with Secretary Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party.  As do I.

As many are aware, Senator Sanders is the reason I am running for Congress.  He inspired me to run by his bold message at the Medallion Center in August 2015, just down the street from where I reside in Columbia:  “There is nothing—nothing—that together we cannot accomplish.”

To those who supported the Sanders Campaign, I invite you to be contemplative and gracious to yourself and take the time—be it days or weeks—to cross the bridge to unity.  To those who supported the Clinton Campaign, I invite you to be doubly gracious in victory, and welcome Sanders supporters warmly to your side.

Let us now strive in unison to promote just policy, to engage in the hard work of building Civilization, and let us avoid the unproductive pitfalls of personality politics.

Today does not strike me as a day of “winning” and “losing.”  I am running for Congress because I believe that, in 2016, our very way of life hangs in the balance.  Before us now is the task of defeating Barbarians—who often are not just at the gate, but who own the gate.  The only victory that matters is NOVEMBER 8.

Senator Sanders and Secretary Clinton agree wholeheartedly: “There’s a Better Way!”

I am eager to join them, and the voters of South Carolina’s Second Congressional District, in creating this way together.



For Immediate Release
June 18, 2016, 10:30 p.m.

CONTACT: Arik Bjorn
803.765.9851 / info@bjorn2run.com


COLUMBIA, S.C., – We are victorious.  And all who cast a vote for Arik Bjorn may claim credit for our victory.  By our slim victory margin of 45 votes, let the voters of South Carolina be forever reminded that every vote matters.

Had just a few individuals not shown up to the polls on primary election day, South Carolina’s Second Congressional District Community would have no congressional candidate voice to represent real Democratic Party values between now and November 8, no voice to support our Democratic Party Presidential Nominee, and no voice to oppose the would-be tyrant on the Republican Party ticket.  The Fake Democrat would have rolled over, as he did in 2014, and there would have been congressional campaign silence all across Aiken, Barnwell, and Lexington Counties, as well as the portions of South Carolina District 2 that include Orangeburg and Richland Counties.

Instead, there will be a voice.  A tireless voice to represent the betterment of all throughout our South Carolina District 2 Community.

What separates Democrats from Republicans is our foundational belief that Government is Good.  We are Government.  And when “We the People” do our job—to link and protect individuals, communities, and industry—Government is a positive, powerful force.  My voice will represent that force.

I remain humbled that, as a first-time candidate for major office, the voters of South Carolina District 2 have chosen me as the Democratic Party nominee for Congress.  But we have little time to dwell on victory.  This primary was a mere battle in a much broader war.  The work before us is immense.  Let us roll up our sleeves, now, and in the days leading up to November 8 and beyond.

“There’s a Better Way!”

Let us blaze a trail of progress together.



For Immediate Release
June 17, 2016, 1:30 a.m.

CONTACT: Arik Bjorn
803.765.9851 / info@bjorn2run.com


Four of the five South Carolina 2nd Congressional District counties have reported recount vote totals for the SC District 2 Election Recount.  The SC State Board of Canvassers ordered the Election Recount to begin on Friday, June 16 at 2:30 p.m.  The four County Election Commissions that have submitted recount vote totals include Aiken County, Barnwell County, Lexington County, and Orangeburg County.  At present, Arik Bjorn holds an unofficial 53% lead in the Election Recount with a vote count of 2,740 (Bjorn) to 2,429 (Black).

The results of the Richland County Election Recount have been delayed.  The Richland County Election Commission suspended Election Recount efforts at 1 a.m. on Saturday, June 17, and will reconvene efforts on Saturday, June 17, at 9 a.m.

Personal Statement from Mr. Bjorn:

To the approximately 9,700 voters in SC Congressional District 2 who voted for me in the SC Primary: I fought tooth and nail to defend your certified vote these past 48 hours. And I fought no less hard to earn your vote going back to March 24, the day I filed as a candidate.

Every click of the keyboard and mouse. Every handshake. Every flier. Every phone call. Every effort to engage a voter, to register a voter. Every bit mattered.

Come to think of it, I fought just as hard for the approximately 9,700 voters who either mistakenly or intentionally voted for my Fake Democratic opponent. And just as hard for the hundreds of thousands of voters who didn’t vote at all.

You are all part of our District Community. And I will fight for the betterment of your life–each and every one of you–whether or not you vote for me.

Yesterday afternoon, a reporter asked me how I might approach losing the race. I told him the same thing I told my young daughter:

“I gave it everything I had. Everything. And when you give something your all–when you fall asleep at your desk every night for a month because 3 hours of sleep a night is nothing compared to 2 years under the rule of ‘Status Quo’ Joe–you are a success. Period.”

Tonight’s Richland County Recount efforts were adjourned around 1 a.m. after more than 10 hours. The effort to certify the Richland vote reconvenes this morning (Saturday) at 9 a.m. Sometime after that, a winner will be declared.

Win or lose, I succeeded. I fought for my District Community with every ounce of my being.  And I will fight for you again later this morning.



For Immediate Release
June 16, 2016, 6:00 p.m.

CONTACT: Arik Bjorn
803.765.9851 / info@bjorn2run.com


COLUMBIA, S.C., – Thursday, the five County Election Commissions in South Carolina’s 2nd Congressional District individually reviewed and determined the results of provisional ballots in their respective counties, then certified their respective county election results and submitted them to the South Carolina Election Commission.

The BJORN FOR CONGRESS campaign projected a certified vote total of:

BJORN: 9,686 (+44)
BLACK: 9,642

The South Carolina Election Commission website is currently reporting these numbers as the vote tally.

If these numbers hold, Arik Bjorn maintains a +44 vote lead headed into the recount scheduled for Friday at 2:30 p.m.

Again, thank you to all voters and supporters for their patience and encouragement.

(Note: SC District 2 includes the following 5 counties: Aiken {all}, Barnwell {all}, Lexington {all}, Orangeburg {part}, Richland {part}.)


For Immediate Release
June 15, 2016, 4:30 p.m.

CONTACT: Arik Bjorn
803.765.9851 / info@bjorn2run.com


COLUMBIA, S.C., – Our campaign has been in contact with the South Carolina State Election Commission, and we appreciate the Commission’s openness with us about the election result process.

This is the current vote tally for the South Carolina 2nd Congressional District race (excluding provisional ballots):

Arik Bjorn  50.13%  9,604  (+49)
Phil Black  49.87%  9,555

This is the current timeline for the SC District 2 Democratic Party Primary Election Recount, to our knowledge:

–Today (Wednesday), County Election Commissions are canvassing the votes. SC District 2 includes the following 5 counties: Aiken {all}, Barnwell {all}, Lexington {all}, Orangeburg {part}, Richland {part}.

–Thursday, County Election Commissions will individually review and make determinations of provisional ballots (there are very few of these) in their respective counties, then must certify their respective county election results by 1 p.m. A County Election Commission may order an individual County recount, but is unlikely to do so for the SC District 2 race, as the law already requires the State Board of Canvassers to issue one for the entire District. The certified county election results are due to the SC Election Commission by the afternoon.

–Friday, 2:00 p.m., the SC State Election Commission convenes as the State Board of Canvassers to certify the SC Primary elections. The Board of Canvassers is expected to call for the SC District 2 Election Recount at 2:30 p.m. The SC State Election Commission will create a public page of vote tallies during the SC District 2 Election Recount and hopes for a final result to be announced on the website sometime Friday evening.  (We will share this URL as soon as we receive it.)



For Immediate Release
June 15, 2016, 7:00 a.m.

CONTACT: Arik Bjorn
803.765.9851 / info@bjorn2run.com


COLUMBIA, S.C., – I am humbled that, as a first-time candidate for major office, the voters of South Carolina’s Second Congressional District have chosen me as the Democratic Party nominee for Congress.

This primary race demonstrates a clear and permanent lesson that, in democracy, every effort matters. Every click of the keyboard and mouse. Every handshake. Every flier. Every phone call. Every effort to engage voters, to register voters. And especially—every vote matters.

In his decade-plus tenure in Congress, “Status Quo” Joe Wilson has done nothing but earn South Carolina’s District 2 Community shame and a nickname. “Status Quo” Joe has hoodwinked our voting Community into thinking that Government is a four-letter word from which we need protection. But the fact is, Government is “We the People.” We are Government.

In the coming months, our campaign will demonstrate to our District Community how Government can efficiently and rigorously link and protect individuals, communities, and industry. For, when “We the People” do our job as stewards of society, Government is a powerful, positive force.

“There’s a Better Way!”

Together, we will create it and ensure increased security and economic opportunities for the betterment of all–in our District Community, in our state, in our nation.



For Immediate Release
May 31, 2016

CONTACT: Arik Bjorn
803.765.9851 / info@bjorn2run.com


COLUMBIA, S.C., – At its May Executive Committee meeting, the South Carolina Democratic Party endorsed South Carolina Second Congressional District candidate Arik Bjorn in a unique move to stem Republican interference in Democratic Party primaries.

Bjorn seeks the Democratic Party’s nomination in the June 14 primary to challenge Republican incumbent Joe Wilson.  “I’m honored that Democratic Party representatives from around the state recognized our campaign’s commitment to Democratic Party ideals—living wage, healthcare as a human right, and increased economic and education opportunities—which my opponent clearly opposes.”

South Carolina Democratic Party Chair Jaime Harrison promised that the Party would be aggressive in combating Republican “dirty tricks.”  “Phil Black hasn’t changed his views one iota since running three times in Republican primaries,” Harrison said.  “This is a classic Republican fox in the Democratic hen house scenario that injures the very fabric of democracy.”

The South Carolina Democratic Party endorsement of Bjorn, a Richland Library public librarian and the former manager of the state’s $2 billion SmartState Program economic development consortium, was overwhelmingly approved by a voice vote of the Party’s Executive Committee.

Aiken County Democratic Party representative Peggy Franklin introduced the resolution to endorse Bjorn after the Aiken County Democratic Party Executive Committee “enthusiastically” endorsed Bjorn over Phil Black, a three-time Republican candidate.  Within the past month, Black stated to the Free Times that he’s a Democrat only “on paper” and “there’s not an ounce of difference between a Republican and a Democrat….”

The South Carolina Democratic Party found Black’s positions “contrary to Democratic values.”  Among his positions are opposition to gun regulations and opposition to marriage equality.  The resolution also cited Black’s support of the repeal of Obamacare and massive deportation of immigrants.

In addition to being endorsed by the South Carolina Democratic Party, Bjorn has been endorsed by the South Carolina AFL-CIO, the South Carolina Green Party, as well as by both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders national delegates within the District.

Bjorn is pleased by the endorsement and remains committed to engaging voters throughout the District leading up to the June 14 South Carolina primary.  “We are exceptionally pleased by the South Carolina Democratic Party’s unique and nearly unprecedented move.  This endorsement confirms that our campaign is precisely aligned with Democratic Party values.  The Party has spoken; the choice is crystal clear:  Bjorn for Congress is the only legitimate Democratic candidate for South Carolina’s Second Congressional District.”


To interview Arik Bjorn, contact him at 803.765.9851 or info@bjorn2run.com.

Campaign Address:  PO Box 9052 / Columbia, SC / 29290

Campaign Website:  www.bjorn2run.com

Campaign Facebook Page:  www.facebook.com/Bjorn2Run/


“There’s a Better Way!”

Click our campaign logo to return to the home page.
